01 July, 2005

New CD release: "FLUTISSIMO"

This live recording brings classical music and some Argentinian Tango and French Chanson...

1.C.Ph.E.Bach: Hamburger Sonata G-dur
2.Telemann: Fantasia nr.10-12
3.Kreisler: Liebesleid
4.Piazzolla: Libertango, Oblivion
5.French chanson: La Vie en Rose, Sous le ciel de Paris
6.Taktakishvili: Sonata for flute & piano (1968)

7.M. Ravel: Piece en forme de Habanera

piano: Eri Tsuchiya

For sale at Yamaha Shop in Ginza (Tokyo), FNAC Antwerpen

CD release: "Beyond Borders", with jazz pianist Bruce Stark

Moonriver, Bluesette,Take the "A" train, Hana , Sato no Aki , Carmen's Habanera , Over the rainbow, Autumn leaves, Furusato, Charade ...
This CD is my incursion as a classical flutist into the world of jazz music. Together with my friend Bruce, it became a wonderful journey through jazz standards and Japanese folk melodies. I am sure you'll enjoy it as much as we loved recording it...!
For sale at Yamaha Ginza shop, FNAC Antwerpen, Yamano Ginza